Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gas Absorption

It has been in operation since 1983. The absorber was a tray tower with a single tray designed for 90% SIS removal and supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W). The boiler fires high sulfur eastern bituminous coal producing SIS loadings up to 7. 5 lbs/Numb. To increase the removal in the WIFE system, MASC. and B&W added a second tray in 2002 to take advantage of dual tray technology. SIS removal has been increased from 90% to 98% without the use of organic acids. Performance tests and parametric tests have been performed on the system over the last two years. The testing also included tests forSOB, HP, HCI, and PM. This paper discusses the absorber design, operating parameters, results of the testing and system chemistry. Introduction The need for maximum SIS removal is necessary with the upcoming Clean Air Interstate Rule (CARR). To meet these demands, high efficiency scrubbers are necessary. This paper provides an evaluation based on limestone, forced oxidized systems since t his is the most common type of system being used now and in the foreseeable future. High efficiency can be gained by changes to the chemistry of the slurry or by increasing the contact of gas and slurry in the absorber.The typical change to the system chemistry is the addition of dipodic acid or a composite adiabatic acid such as DAB. Contacting can be increased by increasing the liquid to gas ratio (L/ G), which also increases the alkalinity available per pass. It is difficult to add more L/ G, physically and financially, because this usually involves adding more spray headers and absorber recirculation pumps. There is usually not enough space available to accommodate this. Increased contacting can also be achieved by the addition of a contacting device such as an absorption tray or by reducing the open rear of an existing tray.In these cases the LEG remains the same, but the absorption of SIS per unit volume of slurry increases. In order to add another tray, the space must be avai lable to do so. Adding a tray or decreasing the tray open area increases the absorber pressure drop. B&W has 6 units operating with two trays and has 19 other dual tray units in the design, construction and startup phases. The purpose of the described project was to convert a conventional, 90% SIS removal scrubber into a high efficiency (>95% SIS removal) scrubber. B&W proposed to maximize SIS amoeba by adding another tray to this limestone forced oxidized scrubber.Michigan South Central Power Agency was an ideal location for the demonstration because their wet flue gas decentralization (WIFE) system is a limestone, forced oxidized system with a single existing absorption tray and because of the good working relationship between the two companies. Their absorber design also had provisions for an additional future tray. The baseline performance measured in 1998 is as follows (Table 1): After the modifications were made to the system, field performance tests were carried out. The last of the testing occurred during November 2005.In addition to SIS being tested, some multi-pollutants were also tested to gather baseline data of the plant. Those multi- pollutant tests included solid particulate matter, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. These results are presented with the SIS data. Background Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Generating Station, Unit 1, was supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company in 1981. See Fig. 1. The boiler is a Sterling design rated for 480,000 lb/hrs steam flow and a nominal 55 MM while burning bituminous coal.The air quality control system (SACS) consists of a cold Table 1 MASC. 1998 performance Parameter Units Values SIS removal Inlet SIS loading pH Geochemistry Absorber pressure drop lb/Numb -ca/S CPM/masc. in. Wag 6. 5 5. 6 1. 06 85 3. 6 electrostatic precipitated (ESP.) and wet FIG. The FIG system is a forced oxidation design consisting of a single absorber, a reagent preparation system, and prima ry and secondary dewatering systems. Prior to adding the new, second tray, the scrubber performance had deteriorated and the plant struggled to meet compliance t high sulfur loadings, > 6. Lb/Numb and high boiler loads, 60 MM. The primary reasons for this poor performance were sulfite blinding and inadequate flow of limestone slurry to the absorber. The limestone feed slurry density was about 13% which limited the limestone flow. The pH was limited to 4. 6 to 4. 8. SIS removal averaged about 83% with a single tray. The absorber system consists of one 22'6†³ diameter absorber tray tower. The original design was a single absorption tray. In October 2003, a second absorption tray was added. The material of construction above the inlet is LOLL.The absorber inlet has a CHIC awning and side shields to prevent absorber inlet plugging. The absorber has two slurry spray levels operating above the tray. There is no spare spray level. Three absorber recirculation pumps, two operating and one standby, are provided to feed the slurry spray headers. The absorption spray zone is lined with Stabbing tile to protect it from spray impingement. Two stages of mist eliminators are supplied in the absorber tower with automatic sprays above and below the 1st stage and below the 2nd stage of mist eliminators (ME).The 2nd stage ME overspread is provided with a wash header, manually operated. A sparse grid oxidation system is provided for insist oxidation of the tank. Additionally, four air lances have been installed at the bottom of the tank to provide additional air flow and to fully oxidize the tank at the higher than designed removal efficiency and inlet SIS loading. The scrubbing reagent used is limestone, which is ground by a single, 100% vertical tower mill. Dewatering consists of primary and secondary systems. The absorber blown slurry is sent to a single, 100% thickener for primary dewatering.The underflow from the thickener is sent to a thickener underflow tank and then batched to the rotary drum vacuum filters. Two vacuum filters are provided, one operating and one spare. A gypsum byproduct is produced from the cake of the vacuum filter and is currently being landfill. In 2003, a second absorption tray was added to the absorber tower. See Fig. 2. This new tray did not have the same pressure drop as the existing tray because of limitations on the ID fan. Improvement of SIS removal on the system was seen, but the full effect was not observed. The removal increased from 83% to bout 89%.The main reason was continued sulfite blinding. It was expected that the delivered oxidation air was adequate for the increase of SIS removal, but that was not the case. Also, the limitations on Fig. 2 A second absorption tray was added in 2003. The ID fan were observed to be an absorber inlet plugging related problem. At least twice per year, the absorber inlet needed to be cleaned before upsetting boiler operations because of high differential pressure drop. In 2005, a few more modifications were made to the system for system reliability and to enable the second tray to be more effective.During the plant outage, the CHIC inlet awning was cleaned to remove some hard solids, which developed over the years, at the top gap in the awning. After cleaning, it was discovered that the awning was severely corroded and needed replaced. This new awning resolved the inlet plugging issues. Next, some rubber plugs were added to the second absorption tray to increase the pressure drop so that it equaled the first tray. Lastly, oxidation air lances were added to the bottom of the absorber reaction tank to improve oxidation and stop sulfite blinding.The combination of these improvements allowed the FIG system to reach its full performance capacity. SIS removals can now reach as high as 98%. SIS absorption theory Scrubber design and SIS absorption The design of a wet scrubber can be reduced to Just two basic requirements. The first is to contact the gas and slurr y. The second is to provide alkalinity to neutralize the acid formed when SIS is absorbed. Contacting the gas and slurry can be accomplished using only the absorber slurry sprays (L/G) such as in an open spray tower design. The key to this is getting good gas striation and good slurry spray distribution.In an open spray tower the contact surface of the spray droplets and the contact of the gas with these droplets is the primary means of removing SIS. This leaves one primary parameter, pump flow, to be adjusted to achieve the desired performance. The contact surface can also be increased by providing more droplet surface area (higher nozzle pressure drop), but also at the expense of pump power, and increasing the droplet surface area quickly reaches the point of diminishing returns. The gas and slurry contacting and SIS amoeba can be greatly improved by using some type of contacting device(s).B&Ws choice of contacting device is a perforated tray(s). The absorber tray provides intimat e contacting between the gas and slurry. The contact surface provided by the tray is much more effective for SIS removal than that of the slurry droplets in a spray tower design. Fig. 1 Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Station. 2 Gas distribution First the tray provides a resistance to distribute the gas flow uniformly over the tower cross-section. This resistance is provided at the start of the gas and slurry contact one, or the absorption zone, in the absorber.Therefore, the contact of the gas with slurry is optimized over the full height of the absorption zone. In an open spray tower, the pressure drop across each spray level will tend to distribute the gas. However, by the time the successive pressure drops have redistributed the gas, the gas has already traveled through much of the absorption zone. This is not making full use of the LEG being provided. Uneven gas distribution results in areas of high and low LEG within the absorber. In areas where the LEG is highe r than the design L/G, theSIS removal will be higher than design. However, areas of lower LEG will have less than the average removal. When designing to 98% removal, the area of lower LEG does not have to be too large to seriously limit the overall SIS removal efficiency. Contacting effectiveness The tray provides a much more efficient means of gas and slurry contact than slurry sprays. Contacting devices are well known to provide the optimum design in most gas-liquid absorption systems. In fact, most of the first utility scrubber designs were based on the use of some type of packing or trays.The use of a tray in an absorber is typically worth 25 to 30 L/G. That is, the absorber with a tray requires 25 to 30 LEG less than an open spray tower design. This is illustrated in field unit test data presented in Fig. 3. The curves indicate that 80% removal efficiency could be achieved operating without a tray at 60 LEG or with a tray at about 35 L/G. The data also indicates 95% removal at 60 LEG and using a single absorption tray. Fig. 3 SIS removal with and without tray. Table 2 Effect of Trays on SO 2 Removal Unit Whinny Pilot MASC. # Trays 70 Removal 82 93 82. 4 92. 6

Ethical challenges face by Martin Luther King Junior Essay

Martin Luther King’s legacy is that of a crusader for justice, equality and peace. He possessed the ability to cloak his causes in the highest of ethical standards. It is said that he could speak of ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’ and the ‘promised land’ and arouse the idealistic emotions of black and white, rich and poor. Even when he talked tough, he sought a higher level with phrases like ‘direct action’ and ‘conformation’ and ‘militant non-violence’. The main aim or the term paper is to find out the ethical challenges faced by King, and what he did to overcome them. The rise of Martin Luther At the time King started his role as an emancipator, the African Americans lived difficult lives. Despite the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation during the American Civil War, many African Americans and other minorities continued to endure inequality for the next century, especially in the south. Local statutes known as Jim Crow laws were passed that effectively barred people such as African Americans from fully executing their constitutional rights, such as voting. Segregation was common in the South, and African Americans were not always guaranteed their rights in other parts of the country either. Many felt the congress needed to pass new laws to guarantee these privileges. Eventually, Africans Americans decided that they could not rely on whites to act on their behalf and choose a leader of their own movement to bring about this change, Martin Luther King Jr. Challenges faced by Martin Luther Martin Luther was a moral leader, who brought the country out of the dark time in American history. He always had a commitment to serve others, and this led him beyond the fight for racial and political equality, and in to the realm of economic equality. He was the most effective person in bringing hope to the black community, which had suffered in the hands of the whites. King faced many ethical challenges, but since he was a pastor, he was able to judge right and overcome them. At that time, groups like the Ku Klux Klan, terrorized and persecuted African Americans, carrying out lynching and other acts of violence. Being a pastor, he had to look for other ways to fight for the rights of the African Americans, which were non-violent. A lot of violent acts, including the bombing of his house and several assassination attempts, were some of the hardships he had to endure. However, the fact that he never replayed back in violent ways, and was instead able to pave way for his future advocacy of nonviolent means of conflict resolution prove that he was clearly a man of straight ethics. When he was stabbed in 1958, he traveled to India to meet with the followers of the Late Mahatma Gadhi, who was also an advocate of peaceful, nonviolent protests. This emphasizes the fact that he never advocated for violence. King was also arrested many times, but these arrests never stopped him from advocating for the rights of the African Americans. One of such incidents occurred in 1962, when he led demonstrations against segregation in Albany, Georgia. For his efforts, he was arrested and jailed, but the arrest did not yield any results. However, he learned form his experiences, and the following year, 1963, proved to be a watershed year for the civil rights movement largely due to his work. King’s belief in equality and justice Being the leader of a movement, for the black people, King believed in reconciliation, among the whites and the blacks. Reconciliation was a result of such unethical acts as discrimination of the black by the whites. He could have chosen not to fight for the freedom of the blacks, but he went to the extent of endangering his life for them, just because he wanted the blacks to be treated in the right ethical manner. As a leader and through his determination, he could see that it was not right that Americans be separated by the fact that they had different skin colors. He did a lot, to ensure that the blacks earned their right place in the society. Based on these efforts, it can be said that King demonstrated his characteristics as a good leader, who could make good ethical decisions. He argued that the role of the state was to provide the physical and material conditions required for full reconciliation to become a reality within society. From 1955-1963, King focused his efforts on the need for the state to act as an agent by sanctioning desegregation in the various forms of public accommodations. King focused his work on calling the state to effect reconciliation between its citizen and the economic and political systems that alienated them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Language and form Essay

In chapter three, Dracula begins by describing his countries people and boasts of his family name to Harker. It then goes on to when Dracula quizzes Harker about England and forces him to write letters to his relatives informing them of his extended stay. One of the more startling events in the chapter involves Harker spotting Dracula crawling down the wall of the castle which makes him think of the predicament he finds himself in. Towards the end of the chapter, Harker goes against Dracula’s advice and falls asleep in a foreign room only to find himself with three voluptuous women but just as one puts her lips on his neck, Dracula disturbs them ordering them to leave with the â€Å"smothered child† he provided them. Harker is still not sure if they were a figment of his dream or not. From the very beginning of the chapter, Harker seems to have found himslef in a very much more hostile environment then he was previously in as he has recently found himself in â€Å"a veritable prison† himslef as the â€Å"prisoner†. From this moment on the tension seems to grow in the oevrall plot as Harker’s â€Å"wild feelings† and â€Å"helplessness† is portrayed in his actions of desperately trying to find an escape. By far and away, one of Stokers’ greatest techniques in building up the tension is by hinting at the things we know will develop later. A great example of this technique is the moment when Harker himself realises that the castle has no servants and the coach driver who controlled the wolves with such fearless power was actually the Count himself, all along the reader knew this however was kept in suspense as they wanted to see how Harker would react to this, in Chapter three they finally get to see his reaction and this adds instant suspense to what he will do and gives another twist as he tries to â€Å"keep his knowledge and his fears to himself†. Tension also builds up increasingly as the chapter continues as refrences back to Dracula and his brutal and vicious strength are made all the more frequent such as the simple yet very powerful gestour of â€Å"laying a heavy hand on my shoulder† which almost single handedly frightened Harker into writing the letters to notify his relatives about his extended stay. Not only does the chapter describe Dracula’s strength but it also touches on his attributes and one of them being the moment in which Harker saw the Count crawl down the sheer of the castle in a â€Å"lizard-like† way. These such instances create an eery feeling and again relates back to Stokers’ technique of hinting at the things we know will develop later as readers all know about dracula’s special skills yet just little hints like this rather then being blunt about it makes the reader really get the feel of Harkers emotions and develops dracula more effectively as the figure of fright in the story. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Bram Stoker section.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in Assignment

Data Storage, memory allocations and communications in use in computing systems - Assignment Example Assume that you want to store 100GB of data onto the free space that you have on your hard drive. If data is uploaded to your machine via a phone line with a rate of 28,400 bps, how long would it take to fill the available storage space? Use one of the many sites available on the Internet to investigate the speed of your personal Internet connection. With that speed, how long would it take to store/upload that data? Does it make a difference what kind of files you are transferring (text, images, video)? If so, estimate the range of time it may take to fill up your hard drive. How many cells can be in a computer's main memory if each cell's address can be represented by two hexadecimal digits? What if four hexadecimal digits are used? Explain your answer. Suppose three values (x, y, and z) are stored in a machine's memory. Describe the sequence of events (loading registers from memory, saving values in memory, and so on) that lead to the computation of x + y + z. How about (2x) + y? Suppose a communication line is being used to transmit data serially at 14,400 bps. If a burst of interference lasts .01 second, how many data bits would be affected?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MBA FOR managing operration and information Essay

MBA FOR managing operration and information - Essay Example A significant advantage of the three-tiered model is that the business processing is done on a centrally controlled machine. This provides for increased security and in some case makes it possible to change the business processing logic in the middleware without making changes to the client. Three-tiered architectures also provide better scalability and significant performance advantages for more complex applications, as MIT IS (2000) recommends. EPS includes one high-productive backend relational database server and a "middleware" server in each office, so number of "middleware" servers equals to six (the number of NHS offices). Communications between database server and "middleware" servers are provided via Internet using tunnelled TCP-IP channels. This technology provides high level of security and reliability and at the same time it allows to use widely spread Internet connections. "Middleware" server is an application server, which runs software providing business logic of EPS. Also the server maintains website of appropriate NHS’s office, so people can receive public information about prescriptions and their treatment history via Internet. Middleware server software also receives queries from client desktops from the NHS’s office, transfers them to database server and then delivers results of the queries to corresponding client desktop. There are a number of client desktops in each office connected to "middleware" server via client applications through local area network (LAN). In this way high-speed connection to the application server is achieved. Client software with appropriate user interface is launched on every client desktop. Doctors and patients can connect to the EPS through thin clients. A thin client is a computer (client) in client-server architecture networks, which has little or no application logic, so it has to depend primarily on the central server for processing activities. Therefore using standardized client software such

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Positive Accounting Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Positive Accounting Theory - Research Paper Example The predictions of real world situations help small businesses in choosing the appropriate accounting policies that would help them in advancing. The predictions of positive accounting theory with regards to the real world situation go a long way in assisting firms to react positively to new standards of accounting introduced by the legal bodies. Moreover, the overall objective of the positive accounting theory is to enable firms to predict and understand their accounting policies choices. The theory also puts into consideration, the economic consequences of the policies on the firms and the economy in general. Positive Accounting Theory Small businesses organize their operations in an efficient manner using the positive accounting theory, which helps firms in maximizing economic opportunities for growth and survival in the business world. Due to the need for business operations efficiency, firms will need to minimize contract related costs. Ordinarily, contract related costs include negotiation costs, monitoring and renegotiation costs with regards to accounting variables in terms of financial ratios and net income accounting information. Minimization of contract related costs fully relies on the mandate of a firm in choosing the most appropriate accounting policies with regards to its operations. ... environment, appropriate accounting policies and contract related costs minimization may be comprised by the opportunistic interests of the company’s management. Political cost hypothesis The political environment is proved to interfere in business operations in many cases, thus affecting managerial decisions with regards to accounting policies. The more a company faces political costs, the greater the chances that managers of a particular firm will choose accounting policies that alter current reported earnings to future expected earnings. This is mainly because current reported earnings that depict high levels of profits will certainly lead to political interferences that may influence incorporation of new government regulations and tax charges. These interferences are relevant to both small and large businesses though growth and stability of small businesses may be greatly hampered as compared to large entities that are stable. Small Businesses Positive accounting theory ap plications help managers in spearheading growth and development of small businesses, which play an important role of creating employment and growth of Gross Domestic Product. Governments such as the United Kingdom federal government have enacted policies and programs that assist small businesses to develop. Strategies have been outlined by governments of developing countries and trade organizations to facilitate growth of small businesses. Banks have also played a big role in growth and development of enterprises through loans and involvement in policy formulation and innovations. Moreover, best accounting policies that have been practically efficient in spearheading corporate development have been implemented. The existing variations in different economies directly impact on the differences

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal Development planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Development planning - Assignment Example Furthermore, to university students, it is a terrific way to take advantage of all the opportunities that university life has to offer. Alternatively, PDP can be a source of motivation when one’s interest starts to wane (Gosling, 2003). The main processes of the in PDP that help learners think about their study and make plans for the future are; reflection, recording, action planning, executing and evaluating. Reflection is the process of pulling ideas and different thoughts together so as to make sense of a purpose. In recording, one puts down ideas, thoughts and experiences, in order to evidence and understand the process and outcomes of learning. Action planning is setting out a plan, and this likely means achieving the goal. Executing is carrying out the activities which make up the plan of action. Finally, in evaluating one makes sense of what ha or she has been doing (Gosling, 2003). Computing This is a branch of engineering science that deals with the study of computabl e processes and structures with the aid of computers. In this module, students learn how to build and design software and hardware systems for a wide range of purposes; structuring, managing and processing various kinds of information. The study also involves doing performing scientific studies using computers and making operating systems of computers behave intelligently. In teaching this module, the lecturer did his best in using all the available teaching aids; charts, projectors and both the white and black boards. Since the module is more practical than theoretical, there were a lot of lab sessions to practise the skills acquired. Despite the complexity of the module, the lecturer did an admirable job in simplifying it and delivering it in a way that it was easily understandable by the class. The lecturer was positioned to offer close and personal attention to the class due to the relative size of the students. In addition, the students were focused and motivated making a reaso nable number of lectures enjoyable. The lecture’s teaching style was outstanding as he involved the class in the learning process, cracking jokes here and there to make sure that everybody was concentrating. The handouts that were produced concerning the module were clear and the notes well arranged. Mathematics This is the study of structure, quantity, change and space. The module teaches students how to look for patterns and make up with new conjectures. Mathematicians using mathematical skills resolve the falsity and truth of the new conjectures. Mathematics is a more practical than learning unit. It involves a lot of working through problems and exercises. In teaching this module, the lecturer did not use teaching aids, due to the nature of the subject, which based more on calculations than theory. The class for this unit was relatively small due to the general notion that mathematics is difficult and male dominated. Most of the students were male. The lecture opted for t eaching style, which encompasses doing a lot exercises and practises. In addition, to this the handouts that were available for the course were not that clear and their coverage was minimal. Table showing the importance of the above factors on scale of 1 to 10 for the procedural module Procedural module Subject Factors Nature of subject Class layout and constrains Number of students Diversity of students Teaching aids

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Investigate whether Financial Conservative Policies Depend on Dissertation

Investigate whether Financial Conservative Policies Depend on Financial Distress - Dissertation Example New York, USA: McGraw-Hill. 23 Gravetter, F. J. & Wallnau, L. B. (2009) Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. USA: Cengage. 23 Healey, J. F. (2009) The Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research. USA: Cengage. 23 A. Appendix 25 Abstract Financial conservatism is one of the most important reflectors of the financial state of a company. Ordinarily, such an attitude is adopted by companies which are either in financial distress or operate in a rather risky environment. Financial conservatism could be decomposed into cash conservatism and leverage conservatism each of which are again decided after taking into consideration a number of parameters. There typically is a debate about the degree of accuracy with which a financially distressed company is found to adopt financially conservative policies. The present paper takes up this subject and attempts to empirically analyze the same on the basis of around 950 USA firms, with data collected between 1998 and 2006. A panel data lo git regression model had been set up firstly to assess cash conservatism, then leverage conservatism and finally financial conservatism. ... These policies typically, reflect an environment where the companies are endowed with large cash balances and low leverage. While high cash balance indicates the presence of huge fund reserves to the company while, low leveraged financial structure implies that the concerned firm prefers turning towards equity financing over debt financing when they need funds for investment. However, maintaining such a stance might not necessarily mean that the concerned company is operating in a financially distressful environment. When firms find it difficult to meet their financial obligations to their creditors or fail to meet the same, they are considered as traversing through a phase of financial distress. But, financial conservatism might not imply that the firm in question is in a distressful phase of time; it might even mean that the entity is trying to shield itself against too much openness, which could land it up in a mess. However, one important factor which could be cited at this point is that financially conservative policies are highly transitory in nature. The present paper is targeted towards an examination of the extent to which financial conservatism is a suitable reflector of whether the company in question is literally amidst financially distressful phase or not. 1.1 Research Aims and Objectives The present paper attempts to assess whether firms which maintain a financially conservative policy are actually victims of financial distress or not. There is a high possibility of detecting a company’s financial situation through examining its financial policies. Empirically it had been found that in situations where a particular company is found to align to financially conservative policies over a considerable period of time, it generates some useful

Are Rising U.S. Tensions with Russia and China Signs of a Return to Research Paper

Are Rising U.S. Tensions with Russia and China Signs of a Return to the Cold War - Research Paper Example 4. The missile defense system has caused Russia to deploy its ballistic missiles across Europe. 5. China and Iran have a close eye on US movements in Afghanistan, and its trembling relations with Pakistan. There are negligible or no chances of a second cold war among US, Russia and China because: 1. The three nations are matured and developed to make a mistake they made long ago. 2. It is not in the strategic interest of the three nations that such a war takes place. 3. There is much at stake, and a lot to lose if the war eventually breaks out. 4. US has its hands full with Afghanistan and Pakistan, it will risk going to war with a super power which can cause irreparable damage. 5. Iran is of significant concern to US at the moment. Americans will not risk Iran becoming a nuclear power for notorious reasons. Let us consider the chances of another cold war erupting among the Three Titans. The first cold war started in 1945 and went on till 1991, with the eventual defeat of the Soviet Union. The named cold war comes from the ability of nations to be in a state of war without direct military involvement. Military action is to be avoided because of the fact that it would bring a nuclear catastrophe to the nations’ door step. ... War.1 The question in one’s particular mind would arise that if there is no military involvement, then how is it possible to be in a war situation? These battles are fought through military coalitions, strategic conventional force deployment, and nuclear arms race. The rivalry is also seen at the level of sports and technology. The most famous technological competition between US and Russia is the Space Race. Military alliances such as the US led NATO and the Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact agreements were enforced to display military might.2 Considering the current situation between the Titans, we can asses that an environment is being built towards such a catastrophe. China seems to be very upset with the US movements in Afghanistan and its influence in the political mainstream of Pakistan. On the other hand, Russians are strongly condemning the US movements on the European soil. Its move to deploy Missile shields have irritated the Russians to an extent that led to a Georgian pounding some time back. Georgia is an ally of the US, but at the time when Russia was all out thrashing it, the Americans could only sit and watch the show because any US move would have been at the cost of war with Russia. The story of conflict does not end with Europe or Pakistan, Missile Shield or the US movements in Afghanistan. The three nations are of very different opinion on the matter of Iran. The Islamic republic of Iran is accused by the US of developing nuclear weapons or the WMDs. Iran suggests that its nuclear program is for civilian reasons and it has the right to use nuclear technology for civilian reasons. The US has tightened its sanctions on Iran and is threatening it to go to any limit possible to stop it from developing nuclear weapons. The extent could be by bombing its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Controlling Bureaucracy Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Controlling Bureaucracy - Article Example At times one unit is seen superior when it implements its functions effectively. This makes its functions seen; thus people referring it superior than the others. As you put, none is more superior to the other, except only on the fact that which unit is carrying out its duties effectively. Otherwise, I totally agree that all have equal control powers. Your analysis is very exhaustive. It is true that a particular control unit may be ineffective to serve the people. Basing on the life examples you have given, it is true that people can impact a control system of a particular unit. This only is applicable when ordinary citizens vote wisely when electing their political leaders. In that case, your vote counts. This will limit the ineffectiveness of the popular control of elected officials. Each control unit has specific roles over bureaucracy. For instance, legislature may not have powers to overrule the president nor the elected officials. It carries its control duties as per the constitution. Likewise, the judiciary is superior by its own in executing its functions. Although the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces, he has to rule within his control limits. This shows that each control unit is superior in its side. However, one may be seen less effective, depending on the measure of power assigned to implement p articular duty. For your case you are right to say that this is more effective than the other, but with reference to executing particular

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dieting makes people fat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Dieting makes people fat - Essay Example Regulations create and establish rules that should be observed and respected by individuals, organisations or firms that operate within a particular industry or business. In a pro-regulation scenario, anyone or any entity that does not act in accordance to the preset rules is in direct contravention of the law and is thus subject to punishment by law. The punishment to be handed down can either be in terms of fines, imprisonment or repossession of the respective business. However, in the free market, the allocation of market resources is solely on the foundation of supply and demand forces, this happens in the absolute absence of any form of government intervention. The question now becomes whether free market approach or pro-regulation approach is the best avenue to take in the Australian economy. When it is all said and done, regulation is the appropriate approach to take. This paper will endeavour to illustrate, with logical backing, why this approach is the most suitable one in t he Australian perspective. This paper will evaluate twelve articles, which are either for or against, the introduction of legislation to the Australian environment. ... The work by MJR Gaffikin (2005) strongly illuminates on this situation. Gaffikin notes that change in legislation might result in either an increase or decrease in the total expenses, to be incurred by the affected firms. He additionally cites the example of waste management. He explores this issue and ends up asserting that if firms are made to account for their waste management systems, many firms will have to invest more in their waste disposal mechanisms. This leads to a substantial increase in their overall operations cost. Thus, judging on this fact, then the free market approach is favoured. However, Michael gives a biased assertion that regulation aids in the creation of wealth, this is the view adopted by economists. This literal work is prejudiced in a manner that it does not back its assertions with hard facts. Nonetheless, the author has targeted the whole subject of regulation. In a situation whereby this article is the only information available on the projected impact of legislation, then the measure to be adopted would be to campaign for free market approach. However, this article does not take into consideration the general environmental effect of careless disposing of waste. Such events would and are characteristic in a free market approach. Once legislation has been passed, the parties affected must institute modifications in order to be in, a situation to comply with the new law. In most cases, this entails the whole or partial restructuring of business operations, which is sometimes an expensive feat. Thus, it is expected that a number of parties will not comply with the new legislation. According to Jason Mitchell and Majella Percy,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage Essay Example for Free

Alcoholic Beverage Essay Alcoholism is a chronic problem that includes difficulty in controlling drinking, having to drink consistently to get physical independence, being preoccupied with alcohol, and continually using alcohol regardless of problems it causes (Brick, 2004). Alcohol should not be legal in U. S. because it is impacts negatively on health, family, community and on a person’s education. Alcohol drinking is like taking a drug. It is a form of drug addiction and drug abuse. Alcoholism is a worldwide problem that affects many people. Drinking alcohol has negative short and long term effects. Alcoholism has been associated with adverse effects on health, family, community, and education (Marshall, 2000). However, the effects on a person depends on particular factors such as how often and how much alcohol is taken, a person’s age, gender, when a person begun drinking and how long they have been drinking, their health, and family history (Begleiter amp; Kissin, 1996). It is in this regard that alcohol should not be legal in the United States. Alcohol is addictive, and people become addicts end up spending a lot of money on alcohol. It means that when they spend all the money they have on alcohol, they forget their families, and are not able to support the community in anyway. Some resort to stealing to sustain their drinking habit. Alcohol addicts sometimes engage in robbery acts to get the money for drinks. Community becomes at risk of destruction with excessive alcohol consumption allowed. When many people engage in excessive consumption of alcohol, education becomes at risk. People drop out of school, and illiteracy level increase in the community. In addition, the progress and development of any community depends on the health of its people. Therefore, when alcohol puts the health of its members at risk, community suffers in the long run. Alcohol affects both female and male differently. Men who consume alcohol, daily have an increased risk of health risks. Such men can experience cancer and heart disease in the long-term and low energy to sexual difficulties in the short-term (Brick, 2004). Men are more likely to suffer from liver cirrhosis, and have higher chances of being diagnosed with high blood pressure. Nearly 26. 6% of deaths among men of between 16 and 24 years old can be attributed to alcohol consumption. Men tend to be more dependent of alcohol (Marshall, 2000). Drinking too much alcohol damages a person’s body organs such as liver, brain, stomach, heart,and intestines. Brain is adversely affected because the brain cells die leading to loss of memory, learning difficulties, brain disorders, confusion, and problems with attention (Blane amp; Leonard, 1999). Liver is highly affected because of the great possibility of developing cancer in the liver, throat and mouth. The stomach may also acquire ulcers. Long-term drinking has also been linked to stroke and heart failure. The nervous system can also experience damage leading to behavioral and physical problems (Dasgupta, 2011). These problems affect health, family, community, and education in the long-term because of expenses associated with alcohol consumption, and possible treatment measures. Alcohol poses many effects on the body such as fertility. It reduces levels of testosterone. As a result, it could decline sperm quantity and quality, and lead to loss of libido. Alcohol is toxic to the testicles, and affects hormones. It could hamper production of sperms, hinder them from developing properly, and slow their movement towards the egg. Alcohol can also limit the liver from metabolizing vitamin A properly. It also depresses the nervous system, and could result in difficulty in getting and keeping erection (Peters, 2008). Many young adults do not realize that alcohol has a fattening effect. Alcohol can reduce the amount of fat that the body burns for energy. The human body makes several attempts to eliminate alcohol 1 / 3 very fast as it cannot remain in the body for storage. The process takes priority over nutrient absorption and burning of fat. In the long-term, there could be a serious damage in the appearance. Other effects include loss of hair in the body, breast enlargement, and withering of testicles (Dasgupta, 2011). Alcohol has also been associated with worsening of skin disorders such as rosacae. Rosacae skin disorder is responsible for expansion of blood vessels in the face making it redder. Heavy drinking can cause the appearance of pus spots and red bumps. It has also been linked to inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints. The effect is common among men of between 30 and 60 years old (Hannigan, Spear, Spear amp; Goodlett, 1999). As mentioned earlier, heavy drinking increases the chances of heart disease, liver damage, bone disease, cancer, anxiety and depression, and type II diabetes. Heavy consumption of alcohol also caused inflammation on the pancreas and irritates stomach. These effects indirectly affect family, community and education (Peters, 2008). Women are not safe from alcohol either. The body of women takes much time to process alcohol compared to men. Women feel more effects of alcohol than men even when they drink the same amount. The fertility of women is at risk with heavy consumption of alcohol. Women are high risk of acquiring breast cancer, and adverse impacts of the menopause. Women are advised in several studies to avoid alcohol when trying to have a baby. Alcohol disrupts menstrual cycle in women, and limits their chances of conceiving. These are bad effects on the body, and not good for family and community in general. Therefore, alcohol should not be legal in the United States (Hannigan, Spear, Spear amp; Goodlett, 1999). While drinking less alcohol may make one look good, heavy consumption causes bad skin, tired eyes, and weight gain for both female and male. It also interferes with people’s sleep. Heavy consumers of alcohol often wake up and feel like they have not had enough rest. Alcohol dehydrates the body and skin. It deprives the skin of certain vital nutrients and vitamins. Hence, it is not good for health. Alcohol is also responsible for much divorce among couples due to fights in the family, and lack of finances for family upkeep (Dasgupta, 2011). Alcohol is depressant. It means that alcohol calms people down, and slows down some body organs. With only 0. 05% level of blood-alcohol, a person begins getting dulled judgment, and his or her inhibitions get released. They then become clumsy and start having slurred speech with only a 0. 10% blood-alcohol level. At 0. 30% level of blood-alcohol, one nearly becomes unconscious. Any addition after that becomes extremely dangerous since at 0. 45%, one can get into a coma. Brain shuts down from 0. 70% and stop controlling the heart, breathing, and one may end up dead. Other short-term effects include blurred vision, blackouts and insomnia. These can lead to injuries, accidents, and even death. Drinking alcohol also causes hangover in the next morning, which is associated with nausea, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, thirst, and dizziness. There are many side effects of alcohol (Peters, 2008). Conclusion In conclusion, consumption of alcohol should be reconsidered in U. S because of its adverse effects on health, family, community, and education. Alcohol should only be taken when necessary. The side effects are adverse and continue to destroy people across the world. Therefore, alcohol should not be legal in the United States because it is impacts negatively on health, family, community and on a person’s education. References Begleiter, H. , amp; Kissin, B. (1996). The pharmacology of alcohol and alcohol dependence. New York: Oxford University Press. Blane, H. T. , amp; Leonard, K. E. (1999). Psychological theories of drinking and alcoholism. New York [u. a. : Guilford Press. Brick, J. (2004). Handbook of the medical consequences of alcohol and drug abuse. New York: Haworth Press. Dasgupta, A. (2011).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ottawa Charter Influences Health Promotion

Ottawa Charter Influences Health Promotion In recent years there has been a growing expectation of new strategies concerning Health Promotion and a number of conferences have been held around the world. One such conference on Health Promotion was held on the 21st day of November 1986 in Ottawa. The objectives of the conference centred on the needs in industrialised countries, and their main concerns were the Declaration on Primary Health Care at Alma-Atta, the World Health Organisations targets for all document, and discussions at World Health Assembly regarding intersectoral actions for health as well as taking into accounts similar concerns in all other regions (WHO 1986). This assignment will explore the literature to assess whether the Ottawa Charter continues to influence the values and practice of health promotion in the 21st century. Discussions will include the concept of health and definition of Health Promotion, factors influencing health, approaches for promoting health and evaluation for health promotion practices against national guidelines. Health Promotion could be defined as a miscellaneous approach to encourage health related life-style behaviours within communities and individuals (Laverack 2007). The aims of Health Promotion, is to allow people to gain control over the determinants of health and thereby improving their health as well as the factors influencing it (WHO 1986, 2005). The most common definition of health, states that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). However, although this definition has been accepted widely as a holistic and positive explanation of health, it has been criticised for not considering the spiritual and emotional aspects of health (Eweles and Simnett 2003). According to Laverack (2007) the definition of health is subjective and depends entirely on the experiences and the life styles of a person and has become necessary that healthcare professionals should be aware of the fact that explanations of health are highly understood differently from one individual to the other with regards to issues militating against them such as self-esteem, social support, individual control and social status (Laverack 2007), so that in addressing health issues people should be ready to embrace and undertake interventions of health promotion to achieve realistic goals. The key issues influencing health predominantly include food, shelter, peace, income, education, a stable ecosystem, a sustainable resources, social justice and equity. These have been affirmed as the key fundamental human rights of an individual as emphasised in the Ottawa charter (WHO 1986). Above these health problems, poverty has been the source of danger to health (WHO 1997). Other factors that affect health indirectly are the global economy, financial market and trade, accessibility to media and communication technology as well as environmental degradation as a result of irresponsible way of using resources (WHO 1997). In order to address these issues to attain an ultimate goal and to increase a high level of health expectancy as well as to narrow the gap in health expectancy between countries and communities as a group, there should be the need to focus critically on the visions of The Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion to derive a possible range of different resources to solve the health determinants in the 21st century. One way of attempting and influencing these values and practices is that, there should be a firm commitment to adopt a Health Promotion strategy that can influence changes in the lifestyles of countries or groups of people living in a geographical area and also changes that can affect the social, economic and environmental conditions that determine health. In order for the promotion of health to be effective, the Ottawa Charter has recognised three basic plans and these are; advocacy for health to create an atmosphere to achieve the essential conditions for health and this is designed to gain political commitment, policy support, social acceptance and systems support for a particular health goal (WHO, GENEVA, 1995). Secondly an enabling conditions for all people to achieve their full health potential and this is done by individuals or groups to empower them through the mobilization of human and material resources, to promote and protect their health through partnership and thirdly to mediate between the different groups and the pursuit of health (WHO, GENEVA, 1984). In view of these three basic strategies, there should be a collaborative effort to arrest these health problems globally, due to its depth and breaths of the issues at stack (Scriven 2005). According to Scriven (2005) this is going to prevent duplication and enable the development of strategies involving political, economic and policy initiatives that address the complexity of health determinants. The WHO (2005) affirms that the on- going initiatives towards a healthier world will need a strong political action, broad participation and sustained advocacy. For a long time past a number of important policies have been developed by the WHO in order to make this happen. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which has become the most significant milestone in history today (WHO 1986), also gave birth to the progress that brought about the Declaration of Alma-Ata (WHO 1978). At this conference there was a proposal for the need for health promotion action to: Develop healthy public policy, Create supportive environments, Strengthen community action, Develop personal skill, Re -orientate health services and Move into the future (WHO 1986). Regardless of the policies formulated at the global level, the Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World (WHO 2005) put forward for consideration the values, principles and action strategies of health promotion established by the Ottawa charter (WHO 1986). The Bangkok Charter recognizes actions, commitments and pledges required to address the determinants of health in a globalised world through health promotion (WHO 2005). Its focus is the need to: Advocate for health based on human rights and solidarity, Invest in sustainable policies, actions and infrastructure to address the determinants of health, Build capacity for policy development, leadership, health promotion practice, knowledge transfer and research, and health literacy, Regulate and legislate to ensure a high level of protection from harm and enable equal opportunity for the health and wellbeing for all. In view of the prospective that global policies of Bangkok and Ottawa charters have to implement to achieve global health and offset the health damaging problems world- wide, reality does not always reflect that actions. For example, according to WHO (2005) since the implementation of the Ottawa Charter, a substantial number of resolutions both globally and national level have been signed in support of health promotion, but these actions have not been followed (WHO 2005). There is a persistent gap between policy knowledge at a global level and policy implementation at country level (Magnusson 2007). This explains that the efforts of policy makers and the potential benefits of globalisation are wasted. The implementation gap should be closed if improving global health is to become a reality (WHO 2005). Despite the implementation and the adoption of the policies proposed in the Ottawa Charter couple with reflections to other series of conferences held globally in the promotion of health, and in addition to different health promotion strategies and the adherence to the values and practices of health promotion, it has become very challenging and impossible to maintain the values and practices set up in the Ottawa charter to achieve the basic fundamental human right towards this 21st century. This is because the world is being confronted with different types of man- made and natural disasters such as wars, earthquake, bush-fires, widespread of pandemic diseases in the disadvantage areas of the world and global warming. Typical of these disasters are the recent floods in Pakistan which started in July this year which inflicted about  £5.9 million in damage to properties, crops and infrastructure and has left more than ten million people homeless and affected about 20 million and devas tated the economy according to world bank report and in addition to these problems the government is persistently confronted with how to tackle the political tensions in the system such as Muslim militant, suicide bombing, tight budget and the endemic corruption that goes on in government institutions (Ahmed 2010). These problems have made it unrealistic for the values and practice of health promotion achievable towards the 21st century. What can be done is that, globalisation poses a threat to the health of the worlds population, but it also presents opportunities. Enhanced interconnectivity, including technology and communications, which means that it is easier for countries to work together to tackle the determinants of health. Policies developed at a global level, such as those of the WHO, can promote health provided that they are implemented judiciously. Countries can face the challenge of globalisation by being supported and prepared through relevant policies, research and education. Countries should embrace globalisation and exploit its benefits for promotion of health care across the world (Seloilwe 2005). This implies that countries have responsibility as individuals in relation to globalisation. The health profile of the world is changing and this has an impact on Health Promotion. The implication is that countries now need to think more globally. This might reasonably begin with an understanding of the nat ure of globalisation and its implications for Health Promotion. Word Count: 1,578

Analysis of leadership and managerial effectiveness

Analysis of leadership and managerial effectiveness Leadership power, influence, path-builder and director. it can defined in many ways, but most commonly Leader is person who influences the thoughts and behaviors of others; a leaders is one who establishes the direction for others to willingly follow. One person can serve as a leader or several persons might share leadership. A person may be appointed as leader or may be elected by people within his circle. Leaders play vital role in standardizing performance. Leaders can influence other to perform beyond the expectations. Managers plan, organize, lead and control so that leading and managing are inseparable, they are both integral part of each other. If one cant influence and inspire others to work willingly towards aims then all planning and organizing will be ineffective. Similarly setting direction is usually not enough, no matter how inspiring one can be, management skills are crucial. Main characteristics of leadership:- Self Confidence- They have complete confidence in their judgment and ability. A vision- This is an idealized goal that proposes a future better than the status quo. The greater the disparity between idealized goal and the status quo, the more likely that followers will attribute extraordinary vision to the leader. 3.Ability to articulate the vision- They are able to clarify and state the vision in terms that are understandable to others. This articulation demonstrates an understanding of the followers needs and, hence acts as a motivating force. 4.Strong convictions about vision- Charismatic leaders are perceived as being strongly committed, and willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve their vision. 5. Behavior that is out of the ordinary- Those with charisma engage in behavior that is perceived as being novel, unconventional, and counter to norms. When successful , these behaviors evoke surprise and admiration in followers. 6.Perceived as being a change agent- Charismatic leaders are perceived as agents of radical change rather than as caretakers of the status quo. 7. Environmental sensitivity- These leaders are able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources needed to bring about change. Main objective of leadership:- 1- Begin with the End in Mind Clearly define AND communicate the objective; then lead unapologetically to its conclusion 2- There is no I in TEAM Team players have value and are contributors to a group effort; self promoters do not have value and steal from the group. Cultivate team players and cull self promoters 3- Develop an Institutional Memory Remember mistakes and the costs associated with fixing them or they will repeat themselves ad nauseum 4- Set a good example by being a good citizen at home, in your community and at work No business success will make up for being a lousy citizen 5- Control the environment effectively, without suppressing creativity flow Dont let the environment control you. 6- Do reward behavior you want repeated Behavior (and success) that is rewarded will increase in duration, intensity and frequency. 7- Dont reinforce and dont ignore behavior you want stopped Fear of conflict and avoidance of accountability will only lead to wide spreaddys function and more unwanted behavior. 8- Insure that a task is done right the first time The project and any hope for momentum will grind to a halt if the task has to be done over again 9- Hire Integrity over Skill:-Skills can be trained; but honesty, integrity, morals and trust can not 10- Serve others How may I help you? Should be asked early and often by and to every person in your organization. Earned loyalty through thoughtful service is the greatest ROI in business MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS :- Managerial Effectiveness is fast becoming a competitive advantage for organisations, especially in the context of high demand for and therefore, continuous migration of competent managers from one organisation to another Organisations therefore, have started investing in retaining competent managers and putting in place systems for developing new cadre of effective managers. It is in wake of these contextual factors that this programme on Managerial Effectiveness is being conducted. Managerial Effectiveness is often defined in terms of output what a manager achieves. This result oriented definition leads us to look for the factors that contribute towards the results. Studies find three factors to be responsible for the results that an organisation achieves through its managers. These are: (a) the efforts and ability of the managers, (b) the environment in which the managers and the organisation operates, and (c) the efforts and ability of the subordinates. Thus, the managers ability is the key element in achieving the desired results.This programme on Managerial Effectiveness focuses by and large on the managerial ability of Managing Self, Managing Subordinates Relationships (which can enhance subordinates ability), Managing Change and Decision Making (which requires the managers to understand the environment in which she/he and her/his organisation operates). Objective of managerial effectiveness:- 1. To develop and understanding of concept of managerial effectiveness. 2. To help the participants to understand the importance of team work and value of resolving the conflicts for developing effective relationship and work culture. 3. To enable the participant to develop specific skills such as team work and conflict management in order to enhance their contribution to the organisational growth. 4. To provide the participants an opportunity for sharing experiences and analysing managerial styles thereby, enabling them to meet the diverse needs of your te. Trait Theory Trait theory tries to describe the types of behavior and personality tendencies associated with effective leadership. In modern times, Thomas Carlyle (1841) can be considered one of the forerunners of trait theory. Although trait theory has an intuitive appeal, difficulties may arise in proving its tenets, and opponents frequently challenge this approach. The strongest versions of trait theory see these leadership characteristics as innate, and accordingly label some people as born leaders due to their psychological makeup. On this reading of the theory, leadership development involves identifying and measuring leadership qualities, screening potential leaders from non-leaders, then training those with potential. In response to criticisms of the trait approach, researchers have begun to assess leader attributes using the leadership attribute pattern approach. Leader as a communicator the framing Framing is a way of communicating to shape meaning. Its a way for leaders to influence how others see and understand events. Selecting and highlighting one or more events while excluding others. It is the ability of the leader to influence others to act beyond their self interests Two contemporary theories of leadership with a common theme. 1. Charismatic leadership 2. Transformational leadership Charismatic Leadership The Charismatic Leader gathers followers through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. The searchlight of attention It is interesting to watch a Charismatic Leader working the room as they move from person to person. They pay much attention to the person they are talking to at any one moment, making that person feel like they are, for that time, the most important person in the world. Charismatic Leaders pay a great deal of attention in scanning and reading their environment, and are good at picking up the moods and concerns of both individuals and larger audiences. They then will hone their actions and words to suit the situation. Pulling all of the strings Charismatic Leaders use a wide range of methods to manage their image and, if they are not naturally charismatic, may practice assiduously at developing their skills. They may engender trust through visible self-sacrifice and taking personal risks in the name of their beliefs. They will show great confidence in their followers. They are very persuasive and make very effective use of body language as well as verbal language. Deliberate charisma is played out in a theatrical sense, where the leader is playing to the house to create a desired effect. They also make effective use of storytelling, including the use of symbolism and metaphor. Many politicians use a charismatic style, as they need to gather a large number of followers. If you want to increase your charisma, studying videos of their speeches and the way they interact with others is a great source of learning. Religious leaders, too, may well use charisma, as do cult leaders. Leading the team Charismatic Leaders, who are building a group, whether it is a political party, a cult or a business team, will often focus strongly on making the group very clear and distinct, separating it from other groups. They will then build the image of the group, in particular in the minds of their followers, as being far superior to all others. The Charismatic Leader will typically attach themselves firmly to the identify of the group, such that to join the group is to become one with the leader. In doing so, they create an unchallengeable position for themselves. Key characteristics of charismatic leadership Vision and articulation; Sensitivity to the environment; Sensitivity to member needs; Personal risk taking; Performing unconventional behavior Vision and articulations Has a vision Expressed as an idealized goal The goal proposes a future better than the status quo Is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others. Personal risk Willing to take on high personal risk Incur high costs Engage in self sacrifice to achieve the vision Sensitivity to followers needs Perspective of others abilities Responsive to others needs and feelings. Unconventional behavior Engages in behaviors in behaviors that are novel and counter to norms. Personality of charismatic leaders Extraverted Self confident Achievement oriented Articulate an over arching goal Communicate high performance expectations Empathize the needs of their followers Project a powerful confident and dynamic presence Captivating and engaging voice tone Three step process of becoming a charismatic leader An individual needs to develop an aura of charisma by maintaining an optimistic view, using passion as a catalyst for generating enthusiasm and communicating with the whole body, not just with words. .An individual draws others in by creating a bond that inspires others to follows. . An individual brings out the potential in followers by tapping into their emotions. Charismatic Leadership Issues People following these leaders will be exerting extra effort, express greater satisfaction. Charismatic effectiveness and situation Charisma works best when: The followers task has an ideological component There is a lot of stress and uncertainty in the environment The leader is at the upper level of the organization Followers have low self-esteem and self-worth Dark Side of Charisma Ego-driven charismatic allow their self-interest and personal goals to override the organizations goals Very effective leaders who possess the four typical leadership traits: Individual competency Team skills Managerial competence Ability to stimulate others to high performance Plus one critical new traità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ A blend of personal humility and professional will Personal ego-needs are focused toward building a great company Take responsibility for failures and give credit to others for successes Prided them on developing strong leaders inside the firm who could direct the company to greater heights after they were gone. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Abstract It is argued that the fate of any society is determined by the quality of its leadership. This discusses the various managerial styles with the aim of buttressing the role of leadership in attaining organizational goals and objectives. This relies on extensive review of literature and employs content analysis of managerial leadership styles. This reveals that the correct style of leadership depends on: nature of the job; preference of the followers; the leaders attitude and the situation at a point in time. However, emerging economies are bereft of good and effective leadership in all fields of human Endeavours due to self-aggrandizements. Therefore, they recommends that: leaders should be made to be accountable for their stewardships both when in office and afterwards; and there should be general social re-orientation, for people to be honest, God fearing and to remember the day of reckoning when they will be asked to account for their deeds in this world. Gibb (1954) According to him leadership is the exercise of power and authority in collectivity; such as groups, organizations, communities of nations. This power can be addressed to any of the three very general and related functions: establishing the goals, purposes or objectives of the collectivity. This implies that exercise of authority involves making things happen though others. In achieving such purpose, leaders may engage in any of the following activities: coordinating, controlling, directing, guiding or mobilizing the efforts of others. Conclusion:- He suggested that the leader is a person who always suggested that leadership is the quality that a leader can act as a manager in performing all managerial function as well as with power and authority he can easily manage the things. Fielder (1967):- He defines leadership effectiveness as success of the leader in achieving the organizations goals. To be effective, the leader must help individuals in the group to satisfy their needs; for instance by giving responsibility to those with high power needs, close involvement to those with high inclusion needs and so on. Therefore, the most effective leaders are capable of dealing with the groups problem that depends on leaders ability to persuade his followers, which in turn depends largely on how much power he possesses. Conclusion:- Manager includes leadership qualities to achieve the organizational goals. They help individual in group to satisfy all the organizational needs. Weick 1979, Kiesler and Sproull 1982, Streufert and Swezey 1986:- This model is one of few that allows for an empirical test of some of the central ideas developed by the paradox perspective. There study also contrasts the recent emphasis on cognitive complexity in the organizational literature with the relative lack of attention given to behavioral complexity. Cognitive complexity, the paper argues, may well be a necessary condition for the effective practice of leadership. Behavioral complexity, however, must certainly be the sufficient condition. Conclusion:- Leadership must inevitably be performed through action, not cognition, and it would thus appear to be time for leadership researchers to begin to develop theories of behavioral as well as cognitive complexity. Burke and Day (1986) They applied meta-analysis to available managerial training and development studies to determine the types of management training that were effective, to what degree they were effective, and the relative effectiveness of the different training methods in improving learning or the acquisition of skills. The meta-analysis conducted by Burke and Day is commonly regarded as the principal empirical support for the effectiveness of managerial training and leadership development programs. Burke and Day (1986) incorporated the following training content areas in their analysis: general management, human relations, and self-awareness, problem solving/decision making, rater training, and motivation/values. Descriptions of those content areas were as follows: 1) General management training taught facts, concepts, and skills and included training topics such as labor relations, a broad focus on management theory and practice, company policies and procedures, labor economics, and general management functions. 2) Training in the human relations content area focused on the human relations problems of leadership, supervision, attitude toward employees, and communications. 3) Studies that were coded into the self-awareness training content area involved the understanding of ones behavior, how others view ones behavior, and learning ones strengths and weaknesses. Examples in the self-awareness content area were sensitivity training and transactional analysis. 4) Problem solving training included studies with a wide range of work problems that managers encounter including generalized problem solving and decision making skills. 5) Rater training programs taught participants to minimize errors in observing and evaluating subordinates. 6) Motivation/values training included programs designed to increase the managers motivation and modify managers values or attitudes. Conclusion:- He used organizational variables as outcome criteria. Some studies in their research had mixed results in demonstrating that managerial leadership development programs enhanced individual, group, and/or organizational effectiveness. Yukl (1989):- He described the status of the field of leadership as being in a state of ferment and confusion. Most of the theories are beset with conceptual weaknesses and lack strong empirical support. Several thousand empirical studies have been conducted on leadership effectiveness, but most of the results are contradictory and inconclusiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The confused state of the field can be attributed in large part to the disparity of approaches, the narrow focus of most researches, and the absence of broad theories that integrate findings from the different approaches. Conclusion:- The status of the field of leadership is in a state on ferment and confusion. Leadership is necessary for the manager to perform affectively within an organization by integrating different approaches. This helps in applying different approaches results in better managerial performance by possessing better leadership qualities. (Bass and Avolio, 1993) He proposed another type of leadership which is known as transactional leadership, which is e. Instead of being communal, the emphasis is on individuals or small groups of employees within organizations or businesses who vie for favored status with a manager. Cooperation occurs through negotiations and loyalty is bought with reward to individuals. In these cases, some employees demonstrate little or no commitment to the organizations mission or vision, and cooperation is the result of negotiations. This model emphasizes marginal improvements in performance based on exchange relationships with subordinates. Conclusion: leadership is a systematic relationship where no leader leads without followers. To measure leadership effectiveness, Avolio believed that the focus should be less on what the leader does and more on what the followers do. This committed to a full range of leadership. Fleishman et al. (1991) developed taxonomy of descriptive leader behaviors from 65 authors, which provided a systematic definition of leadership behavior for use in designing leadership development interventions. The major approaches to leadership study were identified as the power-influence approach, managerial behavior approach, trait approach, situational approach (nine different ones including path-goal, situational leadership, contingency theory, and leader-member exchange) and transformational or charismatic leadership (Yukl, 1989) Conclusion: he explained the different leader behaviours and different approaches applied to leadership study. Sourcie (1994) He states, Managerial leadership is indeed a subtle mixture of formal authority, skills, knowledge, information, intelligence, courage, tenacity, instinct and hard work. As individuals rise to higher levels of formal leadership in organizations, the balance between leader and manager behavior shifts, but there are very few instances where a person can develop leadership skills without also being competent at managerial functions. Conclusion:- There should be a balance between leader and managerial behaviour. To enhance leadership styles sometimes becomes at the managerial level in performing different functions of management. Chen (1994) He used meta-analytic procedures to describe and statistically integrate 25 studies from the empirical literature regarding the effectiveness of cross-cultural training for managers. A great majority of the studies (88%) used control group design. Chens meta-analysis produced a highly significant average effect size (1.60) for the comparisons between those who received cross-cultural training and those who did not, indicating that the average trainee was 1.60 standard deviation higher than controls on the cross-cultural training effectiveness measures. Chen discovered that control group studies produced lower effect sizes than single group pretest-posttest studies. Chen also found that the longer the time between cross-cultural training and the measurement of training effectiveness, the less effective the training was judged to be by the primary study participants, with almost 56% of the variability in effect size magnitude caused by the time of outcome measurement. Conclusion:- The results of Chens meta-analysis did not conclude that any certain type of cross-cultural training program was more effective than another one as he generally impact the effectiveness of cross-cultural training for managers. Brungardt, 1996 He suggested the that leadership development efforts will result in improved leadership skills appears to be taken for granted by many corporations, professional management associations, and consultants. In essence, many companies naively assume that leadership development efforts improve organizational efforts. Leadership development is defined as every form of growth or stage of development in the life cycle that promotes, encourages, and assists the expansion of knowledge and expertise required to optimize ones leadership potential and performance. Conclusion:- Leadership development will leads to the improvement leadership skills with in the corporations, to improve the organizational efforts by developing their employees. McCall (1998):- Managerial leadership development through on-the-job experiences has emerged as a powerful source of learning. He believed that on-the-job experiences were the primary classrooms for the development of leadership skills. These developmental jobs provide transitions that put the manager into new situations with unfamiliar responsibilities and tasks where they create change and build relationships (Brutus, Ruderman, Ohlott, McCauley, 2000; McCall, Lombardo, Morrison, 1988; McCauley Brutus, 1998). According to McCall, et al. (1988), most 31 developments of successful business leaders took place on the job and not in seminars, classrooms, and MBA programs. Additional literature regarding on-the-job experiences will be cited in the Leadership Development. Conclusion:- He explained that the managerial leadership development through on-the job experiences. It develops leadership skills with in a manager to enhance their skills. It helps them in handling unfamiliar responsibilities and tasks in which they can easily make changes. Driggs (1999):- He emphasized that outcomes can be encapsulated as the awareness of the importance of organizational motivation and understanding, the flexibility to adapt to individual organizational needs, the openness to encourage continuing discussion and interchange, and a readiness to continue learning. Examples of outcomes in the current literature were improved subordinate and human relationships, improved knowledge skills and attitudes, improved trainee leadership and group effectiveness, improved decision-making style, sensitization of trainees to their management role, and development of a shared personal and organizational vision. Conclusion:- He explained that managerial effectiveness is analysed by motivating and understanding the organization needs by improved trainee leadership. Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed:- He defines leadership as the individual qualities of assertiveness and ambition that shine through a charismatic individual. Leadership means collective commitment to progress wise and tough actions that create new systemic regularities in our institutions of education. It means constructing a seamless pipeline for all our children from preschool years to completing collegeIt means institutions and communities work for the greater good of our world. Conclusion:- Leadership leads to progress which help in regulating our institutions of education. They generally work for the greater good of our world. Swanson Holton, 1999:- The Results Assessment System was used in this research to analyze the outcomes of leadership development studies from both a learning and performance perspective. The Results Assessment System (Swanson Holton, 1999) enables practitioners to measure results within three domains: performance, learning, and perception, each of which has two options. Performance results are either system or financial results. System results are defined as the units of mission-related outputs in the form of goods and/or services having value to the customer and that are related to the core organizational, work processes, and group or individual contributors in the organization. Financial results are defined as the conversion of the output units of goods and/or services attributable to the intervention into money and financial interpretation. Performance-level assessment requires that mission-related performance outcomes be connected to the mission of the system (Swanson Holton, 1999). Performance outcomes typically are assessed in terms of being counted or time taken to produce the units of goods or services. Swanson and Holton clarified that performance outcomes are classified in terms of the performance levels at the whole system level (organization), the work processes within the system (subsystem), or the contributor level (individuals or intact work groups). According to Swanson and Holton, within the performance domain, a complex organization can have a variety of performance outcomes but a unit of performance must be selected as the focal point of the assessment. Learning results as defined by the Results Assessment System (Swanson Holton, 1999) are delineated into expertise or knowledge results. Expertise results are defined as human behaviors having effective results and optimal efficiency, acquired through study and experience within a specialized domain. Human expertise is the most complex of learning results. The premise is that people with expertise have knowledge and are able to act on that knowledge (Swanson Holton, 1999). Measuring human expertise requires that an individual demonstrate his or her behavior in a real or simulated setting. Conclusion:- Knowledge results are defined as mental achievement acquired through study and experience (Swanson Holton, 1999,). Swanson and Holton believed that knowledge, an intellectual or cognitive result of learning experiences, was the basic learning result of an intervention. Measures of knowledge confirmed the level of knowledge held by individuals within a particular subject area. Zhang (1999) He applied meta-analysis procedures to experimental evaluation studies to find out the magnitude of the effect of management training from 1983-1997 on trainees learning, job performance, and organization results. The study followed Burke and Days coding criteria and included forty-seven empirical studies on training for managerial personnel in business and industry and in education. Zhang included experimental and quasi-experimental studies, most of which were found in journal articles, while one-third were doctoral dissertations. The results indicated that evaluation was being conducted beyond the reaction and learning levels. Zhangs research produced a .47 effect size for studies with knowledge-subjective outcomes, .80 for knowledge-24 objective, .50 for expertise-subjective and .49 for studies with system-objective outcomes. A major finding was that management training made a significant difference in trainees learning when self-efficacy and various knowledge tests measured the o utcomes. A human relations leadership program made a significant difference in trainees job performance when performance appraisal instruments measured their on the- job behavior. Management training programs were effective when measured by subjective result criterion, such as employees commitment to the organization and job satisfaction. There was a significant difference in the training effect measured by objective organization result criterion, such as job accuracy, turnover and productivity. Conclusion:- He recommended that more quantitative reviews be conducted using meta-analysis to accumulate quantitative data of training effectiveness across studies and that more high quality empirical studies are conducted. It also concluded that measurement of organization results outcomes needed more research in which the organizational indicators that are most relevant to training are prioritized. Lynham, 2000:- The nature of management and leadership has changed significantly and organizations are experiencing an increased number of outcome-based demands on their time and resources. Organizations also are committing to an increased number of managerial leadership development interventions and take for granted that those interventions enhance their organizations effectiveness. But, there remains a void as to what is known about managerial leadership development and the contribution of managerial leadership development interventions to individual knowledge and expertise as well as organizational performance. Conclusion:- Interventions results in enhancing organisations effectiveness this leads to development interventions for individual knowledge and expertise. Interventions results in better managerial effectiveness. Friedm

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Loving v. Virginia Essay -- Miscegenation

Miscegenation: Noun; Marriage, cohabitation, or sexual relations between two members of two separate races. Most commonly used in reference to relations between African Americans and Caucasian Americans (blacks and whites.) In 1960’s nearly 4 out of every 225 marriages was interracial. This was frowned upon in the early to mid 1900’s and this is what two people, Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving had to face. Racial indifference or a racial supremacy has been an issue in America as long as it has existed. It began with the Native Americans on this soil we thrive on today. The whites of the time pushed the Natives of what land they could and fooled them off of the rest of it. They took their children, and tried to conform them into a race they were not, and never would be. From there on, our nation grew larger and more independent. In 1619, 127 years after North America had been discovered, a Dutch man traded his cargo of Africans for food. This gave our nation its first g roup of â€Å"servants.† The uproar of slavery did not start until the 1680’s as far as the records show. The idea of slavery gave some, not all, Caucasian Americans the idea that they were better than the blacks who worked for them. Mind sets like these set the ball in motion for anti-miscegenation laws. 41out of our 50 states had these laws at one time, leaving only 9 states without ever having an anti-miscegenation law. These states being: Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and New Jersey. 15 of these states abolished these laws only after the Loving V. Virginia case which was ruled on the 12th of June, 1967. That day, this couple got what they had wanted more than anything. They’re home back and their love to be a... ...icant. This one for many families today is very important. These cases are also the reason why during a census you have the opportunity to check multiple races, instead of just one. This case stirred debates of gay marriage, which is a matter of personal opinion. It is up to you whether that is a pro or a con. As we can now see, Loving v. Virginia opened plenty of doors. It took a couple that were strong and would not be beat down by hearing their marriage was illegal or how wrong they were. Richard and Mildred Loving did what every interracial couple wanted to do; make a difference. The couple gained the right to move back to their home with their families, to stay in their hometown peacefully, and to hang their marriage license on the wall and know that it is now recognized by every state. Race made no difference to them, it shouldn’t to anyone else either.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Microsoft As A Monopoly :: Economics

Since the early 1990’s, the United States government and the Microsoft Corporation have ensued upon a battle in the United States courts. The main issue at hand is ultimately money, but one more importantly, the supposed "Microsoft Monopoly." The federal government maintains that Microsoft's monopolistic practices are detrimental to United States citizens, creating higher prices and potentially downgrading software quality, and should therefore be stopped. Microsoft and its supporter’s claim that they are not breaking any laws and they are just doing what they do; making money and providing a service. The only thing Microsoft is guilty of is taking advantage of free enterprise. There have been many arguments and issues that have been raised with the controversy over Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Justice’s claim against Microsoft of monopolistic practices in bundling its internet browser â€Å"Internet Explorer† into its popular Windows computer ope rating system. By doing this, Microsoft would effectively crush its competitors and acquire a monopoly over the software that people use to access the Internet. Sherman Anti-trust Act was passed in 1890. The Sherman Act says â€Å"Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal. The Sherman Act also provided for "Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony. The Sherman Act put the responsibility in the hands of the government to investigate and prosecute those suspected to be guilty of this crime. In 1914, the Clayton Act was passed in conjunction with the Sherman Anti-trust Act to assist with anti-trust cases. The Clayton Act prohibited price discrimination between different purchasers if such discrimination substantially lessens competition or tends to create a monopoly ion any line of commerce. The Act also prohibits sales on the condition that the buyer or leaser not deal with the competitors of the seller or lesser â€Å"exclusive dealings†, or that the buyer also purchases another different product, but only when these acts substantially lessen competition. Mergers and acquisitions where the effect may substantially lessen competition are prohibited also by the act. The last prohibition of the act is that no person can be the director of two or more competing corporations.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Report of Investigation: Aldrich Ames Essay -- Case Review Spies

In 1986, the Central Intelligence Agency began to notice its agencies contacts and operations within the Soviet Union began to spoil at an alarmingly rate. The Soviet KGB, a national security agency, was eliminating these Soviet â€Å"Double Agents† seemingly instantaneously after meeting with CIA agents. Initial brought about the thought of KGB interception of field communication. Security measures were put in place where select few knew of these field operations yet the KGB still continued to pursue its current mission of eliminating CIA contacts. Ideas of a mole within the Agency became more and more apparent. In mid 1986, the Chief of Counterintelligence Staff created a special task force within the Counterintelligence staff. This task force consisted of four members but none of which had investigative or financial investigation backgrounds. All members were seasoned officers who were tasked with discovering full detailed analysis of compromised operations; this included investigating how many cases was relevant Edward Lee Howard betrayal. In late 1986, the FBI joined the investigation after two Soviet contacts that had worked very closely with the FBI were arrested and executed. The CIA special task force was soon pulled astray following the confession of a marine security guard who confessed to KGB ties while stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Investigations hit a standstill and did not continue until 1991. In late 1989, a tip was received by the Counterintelligence Center that Agent Aldrich Hazen Ames was living well beyond his finances could support following his return from Rome, Italy. (FAS) The information was reported by another CIA agent that was personally close to Ames. The informant also stated to hav... ...ited An Assessment of the Aldrich H. Ames Espionage Case and Its Implications for U.S. Intelligence. (1994, November 1). Federation of American Scientists. Retrieved May 28, 2012, from JOHNSTON, D. (1995, January 27). How the F.B.I. Finally Caught Aldrich Ames - New York Times. The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Retrieved May 29, 2012, from Lerner, A. (n.d.). Ames (Aldrich H.) Espionage Case - . Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education - Retrieved May 27, 2012, from Trahair, R. C., & Miller, R. L. (2009). Encyclopedia of Cold War espionage, spies, and secret operations (1. pbk. ed.). New York: Enigma Books.

Bloodlines Chapter Nine

CONSIDERING I WAS ONLY SUPPOSED to visit Clarence's twice a week for feedings, I was kind of amazed that I seemed to be here practically every day. Not only that, this was my first time visiting the estate alone. Before, I'd been with Keith or Jill and had a very well-defined goal. Now, I was on my own. I hadn't realized how much that would freak me out until I was approaching the house, which became even more looming and dark than usual. There's nothing to be afraid of, I told myself. You've been with a vampire and dhampir all week. You should be used to it. Besides, really, the scariest thing about this place was the old house itself. Clarence and Lee weren't all that intimidating, and Adrian†¦ well, Adrian was pretty much the least scary vampire I'd ever met. He was too bratty for me to feel any real fear, and actually†¦ as much as I hated to admit it, I kind of looked forward to seeing him. It made no sense, but something about his infuriating nature made me forget about my other worries. Weirdly, I felt like I could relax around him. Dorothy escorted me in, and I expected to be taken to the sitting room again. Instead, the housekeeper led me through a few twists and turns of the dark halls, finally landing in a billiards room that looked like it could have been straight out of Clue. More dark wood lined the room, and stained glass windows let in filtered sunlight. Most of the room's illumination came from a hanging light centered over a rich green pool table. Adrian was lining up a shot as I shut the door behind me. â€Å"Oh,† he said, knocking a red ball into a hole. â€Å"It's you.† â€Å"You were expecting someone else?† I asked. â€Å"Am I interrupting your social calendar?† I made a big show of glancing around the empty room. â€Å"I don't want to keep you from the mob of fans beating down your door.† â€Å"Hey, a guy can hope. I mean, it's not impossible that a car full of scantily clad sorority girls might break down outside and need my help.† â€Å"That's true,† I said. â€Å"Maybe I can put a sign out front that says, ‘ATTENTION ALL GIRLS: FREE HELP HERE.'† â€Å"‘ATTENTION ALL HOT GIRLS,'† he corrected, straightening up. â€Å"Right,† I said, trying not to roll my eyes. â€Å"That's an important distinction.† He pointed at me with the pool stick. â€Å"Speaking of hot, I like that uniform.† This time, I did roll my eyes. After Adrian had teased me last time about my uniform looking like my normal clothes, I'd made sure to change out of it before coming today. Now I wore dark jeans and a black-and-white printed blouse with a ruffled collar. I should have known the outfit change wouldn't save me from his snark. â€Å"Are you the only one here?† I asked, noting his solo game. â€Å"Nah. Clarence is around doing†¦ I don't know. Old man stuff. And I think Lee's fixing that lock before he heads to LA. It's kind of funny. He seems upset that he needs to use tools. He keeps thinking the strength of his own hands should be more than enough.† I couldn't help a smile. â€Å"I don't suppose you offered to help?† â€Å"Sage,† Adrian declared. â€Å"These hands don't do manual labor.† He knocked another ball into a hole. â€Å"You want to play?† â€Å"What? With you?† â€Å"No, with Clarence.† He sighed at my dumbfounded look. â€Å"Yes, of course with me.† â€Å"No. I need to talk to you about Jill.† He was silent for a few moments and then returned to the game as though nothing had happened. â€Å"She wasn't sick today.† He said that with certainty, though there was a funny, bitter tone to his words. â€Å"No. Well, not in the same way. She got sick out in the sun during PE. I'm going to see Keith after this to see if we can get a medical excuse.† I'd actually tried calling him earlier, with no luck. â€Å"But that's not why I'm here. There's a guy who likes Jill – a human guy.† â€Å"Have Castile rough him up.† I leaned back against the wall and sighed. â€Å"That's the thing. I asked him to. Well, not rough him up, exactly. It's Eddie's roommate. I asked Eddie to tell him to back off and make up some reason for staying away from Jill – like that she's too young.† Fearing Adrian would be as lax as Eddie in this, I asked, â€Å"You understand why it's important, right? No Moroi and human dating?† He was watching the table, not me. â€Å"Yup, I'm with you there, Sage. But I still don't see the problem.† â€Å"Eddie won't do it. He says he doesn't think Jill should be denied the chance to date and go to dances. That it's okay if she and Micah hang out, so long as it doesn't get serious.† Adrian was good at hiding his feelings, but this looked like it'd caught him by surprise. He straightened up and spun the base of the pool stick on the floor as he thought. â€Å"That is weird. I mean, I get the logic, and there's something to it. She shouldn't be forced into isolation while she's here. I'm just surprised Castile came up with it.† â€Å"Yeah, but that's a hard concept to live by. Where do you draw the ‘casual' line? Honestly, I get this feeling Eddie just didn't want to confront Micah – the roommate. Which is crazy, because Eddie doesn't seem like the type to be afraid of anything. What is there about Micah that would make Eddie so uneasy?† â€Å"Is Micah some big, hulking guy?† â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"He's built, I guess. Good at sports. Really friendly and easygoing – not the type you'd have to be afraid would turn on you if you warned him away from your sister.† â€Å"Then you can talk to him. Or just talk to Jailbait and explain things to her.† Adrian seemed satisfied he'd solved the matter and knocked in the last ball. â€Å"That was my plan. I just wanted to make sure you'd back me. Jill listens to you, and I thought it'd be easier if she knew you agreed with me. Not that I even know how she feels. For all I know, this is all overkill.† â€Å"Can't hurt to be too careful with her,† said Adrian. He stared off, lost in his own thoughts. â€Å"And I'll let her know how I feel about it.† â€Å"Thank you,† I said, kind of surprised at how easy this had been. His green eyes danced mischievously. â€Å"Now will you play a round with me?† â€Å"I don't really – â€Å" The door opened, and Lee walked in, dressed casually in jeans and a T-shirt. He was carrying a screwdriver. â€Å"Hey, Sydney. I thought I saw your car out there.† He glanced around. â€Å"Is, uh, Jill with you?† â€Å"Not today,† I said. New insight struck me as I recalled that Lee attended school in Los Angeles. â€Å"Lee, have you ever dated a human girl at your school?† Adrian arched an eyebrow. â€Å"Are you asking him out, Sage?† I scowled. â€Å"No!† Lee turned thoughtful. â€Å"No, not really. I have some human friends, and we go out as a group and hang out†¦ but I've never done more than that. LA's a big place, though. There are Moroi girls around, if you know where to look.† Adrian perked up. â€Å"Oh?† My hope that Lee might tell Jill he too had to avoid dating faded. â€Å"Well, that would make your dating situation much easier than Jill's.† â€Å"What do you mean?† asked Lee. I recapped everything to him about Micah and Eddie. Lee nodded along thoughtfully. â€Å"That is hard,† he admitted. â€Å"Can we go back to the part about Moroi girls hanging out in LA?† asked Adrian hopefully. â€Å"Can you direct me to some of the†¦ oh, let's say, more open-minded ones?† Lee's attention was on me, however. His easy smile grew uncertain, and he glanced at his feet. â€Å"This might seem kind of weird†¦ but I mean, I wouldn't mind asking Jill out.† Adrian was on that before I could even think of a response. â€Å"What, do you mean like on a date? You son of a bitch! She's only fifteen.† You never would've guessed he'd been talking about easy Moroi girls only moments before. â€Å"Adrian,† I said. â€Å"I'm guessing Lee's definition of a date is a little different than yours.† â€Å"Sorry, Sage. You've got to trust me when it comes to dating definitions. Last I checked, you aren't an expert in social matters. I mean, when was the last time you were even on a date?† It was just another of the witty barbs he tossed around so easily, but it stung a little. Was my lack of social experience that obvious? â€Å"But,† I added, ignoring Adrian's question, â€Å"there is an age difference.† I honestly had no idea how old Lee was. His being in college gave me some clue, but Clarence seemed awfully old. Having a child late in life wasn't that weird, though, for humans or Moroi. â€Å"There is,† said Lee. â€Å"I'm nineteen. Not a huge gap – but big enough. I shouldn't have said anything.† He looked embarrassed, and I felt both sorry for him and confused for myself. Matchmaking wasn't in the Alchemist handbook. â€Å"Why would you want to ask her out?† I asked. â€Å"I mean, she's great. But are you just doing this to distract her from Micah and give her a safe dating alternative? Or do you, um, like her?† â€Å"Of course he likes her,† said Adrian, quick to defend Jill's honor. I had a feeling that there was really no good way for Lee to answer at this point. If he expressed interest in her, Adrian's bizarre chivalric instincts were going to kick in. If Lee wasn't interested, Adrian would no doubt demand to know why Lee didn't want to marry her then and there. It was one of those fascinating – but weird – quirks of Adrian's personality. â€Å"I like her,† said Lee bluntly. â€Å"I've only talked to her a couple of times, but†¦ well, I'd really like to get to know her better.† Adrian scoffed, and I shot him a glare. â€Å"Once again,† I said. â€Å"I think you guys have different definitions for the same words.† â€Å"Not true,† said Adrian. â€Å"All guys mean the same thing when they want to ‘get to know a girl better.' You're a well-bred young lady, so I understand why you'd be too innocent to understand. Good thing you've got me here to interpret.† I turned back to Lee, not even bothering to respond to Adrian. â€Å"I think it's fine if you go out with her.† â€Å"Assuming she'd even be interested,† said Lee, looking uncertain. I remembered her smile when he'd stopped to talk to her yesterday. That had seemed pretty promising. But then, so had her enthusiasm over Micah. â€Å"I bet she would.† â€Å"So you're just going to let her go off alone?† asked Adrian, giving me a look that told me not to question him. This time, his concern was legitimate. I shared it. Jill was in Palm Springs to be safe. She was enrolled at Amberwood because it was also safe. Suddenly going out with a guy we hardly knew would not meet either Alchemist or guardian protocols for safety. â€Å"Well, she can't even leave campus,† I said, thinking aloud. â€Å"Not without me.† â€Å"Whoa,† said Adrian, â€Å"if you get to come along as a chaperone, so do I.† â€Å"If we both do, then Eddie will want to as well,† I pointed out. â€Å"Doesn't sound like much of a date.† â€Å"So?† Adrian's brief moment of seriousness and concern had vanished in the face of what he saw as social fun. How could anyone's mood flip so quickly? â€Å"Think of it as less of a date than a faux-family outing. One that will entertain me while protecting her virtue.† I put my hands on my hips and turned toward him. This seemed to amuse him more. â€Å"Adrian, we're focusing on Jill here. This isn't about your personal entertainment.† â€Å"Not true,† he said, green eyes sparkling. â€Å"Everything's about my personal entertainment. The world is my stage. Keep it up – you're becoming a star performer in the show.† Lee glanced between us with a comically helpless look. â€Å"Do you guys want to be alone?† I flushed. â€Å"Sorry.† Adrian made no apologies, of course. â€Å"Look,† said Lee, who kind of seemed like he was beginning to regret bringing this up at all. â€Å"I like her. If it means bringing your whole group so I can be with her, then that's fine.† â€Å"Maybe it's better this way,† I mused. â€Å"Maybe if we do more things as a group – aside from her feedings – she won't be in danger of wanting to go out with a human guy.† Who we didn't even know for sure that she was interested in. We didn't even know if she was interested in Lee either. We were being awfully heavy-handed with her love life, I realized. â€Å"This is kind of what I wanted before,† Adrian said to me. â€Å"Just more of a social life.† I thought back to yesterday's conversation, in which he'd demanded I find him lodging. â€Å"That's not quite what you asked for.† â€Å"If you want to get out more,† said Lee, â€Å"you should come back to LA with me tonight. I'll be back here after class tomorrow anyway, so it'd just be a quick trip.† Adrian brightened so much that I wondered if Lee had suggested it to try to smooth over any tension remaining about his interest in Jill. â€Å"Will you introduce me to those girls?† asked Adrian. â€Å"Unbelievable,† I said. Adrian's double standard was ridiculous. I didn't notice the door opening until Keith was completely in the room. I was never exactly happy to see him, but it was good luck that he was suddenly here, right when I needed to talk to him about Jill and her problems with PE. My best plan had been to show up at his apartment and hope to catch him there. He'd saved me the trouble. Keith looked at all three of us – but he didn't share our smiles. No winks or pretty boy charm from him today. â€Å"I saw your car out there, Sydney,† he said sternly, turning to me. â€Å"What are you doing here?† â€Å"I had to talk to Adrian,† I said. â€Å"Did you get my message? I tried calling earlier.† â€Å"I've been busy,† he said crisply. His expression was hard, his tone chilling the room. Adrian and Lee had lost their smiles, and both now looked confused as they tried to figure out why Keith was so annoyed. I shared their curiosity. â€Å"Let's talk. In private.† I suddenly felt like a naughty child without knowing why. â€Å"Sure,† I said. â€Å"I†¦ I was just leaving anyway.† I moved to join Keith at the door. â€Å"Wait,† said Lee. â€Å"What about – † Adrian nudged him and shook his head, murmuring something I couldn't hear. Lee stayed quiet. â€Å"See you around,† said Adrian cheerfully. â€Å"Don't worry – I'll remember what we talked about.† â€Å"Thanks,† I said. â€Å"See you guys later.† Keith left without a word, and I followed him out of the house and into the late-afternoon heat. The temperature had gone down since the ill-fated PE class but not by much. Keith trudged through the gravel driveway, coming to a halt beside Latte. His car was parked nearby. â€Å"That was rude,† I told him. â€Å"You didn't even say goodbye to them.† â€Å"Sorry if I don't bring out my best manners for vampires,† snapped Keith. â€Å"I'm not as close to them as you are.† â€Å"What's that supposed to mean?† I demanded, crossing my arms. Staring him down, I felt all my old animosity bubble up. It was hard to believe that I'd been laughing just a minute ago. Keith sneered. â€Å"Just that you seemed awfully cozy with them in there – hanging out, having a good time. I didn't know this was where you spent your free time after school.† â€Å"How dare you! I came here on business,† I growled. â€Å"Yeah, I could tell.† â€Å"I did. I had to talk to Adrian about Jill.† â€Å"I don't recall him being her guardian.† â€Å"He cares about her,† I argued. â€Å"Just like any of us would for a friend.† â€Å"Friend? They're not like us at all,† said Keith. â€Å"They're godless and unnatural, and you have no business being friends with any of them.† I wanted to shout back that from what I'd observed, Lee was a hundred times more decent of a person than Keith would ever be. Even Adrian was. It was only at the last second that my training kicked in. Don't raise a fuss. Don't contradict your superiors. No matter how much I hated it, Keith was in charge here. I took a deep breath. â€Å"It was hardly fraternizing. I simply came by to talk to Adrian, and Lee happened to be here. It wasn't like we'd all been planning some big party.† Best not to mention the group date plan. â€Å"Why didn't you just call Adrian if you had a question? You called me.† Because being face-to-face with him is less sickening than being around you. â€Å"It was important. And when I couldn't get ahold of you, I figured I'd have to drive over to your place anyway.† Hoping to shift away from my â€Å"bad behavior,† I jumped in and recapped everything that had happened today, including Jill's sun exposure and Micah's attentions. â€Å"Of course she can't date him,† he exclaimed, after I'd explained about Micah. â€Å"You have to put a stop to that.† â€Å"I'm trying. And Adrian and Lee said they'd help.† â€Å"Oh, well, I feel a lot better now.† Keith shook his head. â€Å"Don't be naive, Sydney. I told you. They don't care about this stuff as much as we do.† â€Å"I think they do,† I argued. â€Å"Adrian seemed to get it, and he has a lot of influence over Jill.† â€Å"Well, he's not the one the Alchemists are going to come after and send off to re-education for playing around with vampires when she should be disciplining them.† I could only stare. I wasn't sure which part of what he'd just said was more offensive: the well-worn insinuation that I was a â€Å"vamp lover† or that I was capable of â€Å"disciplining† any of them. I should've known his false friendliness wouldn't last. â€Å"I'm doing my job here,† I said, still keeping my voice level. â€Å"And from what I can see, I'm doing more work than you, since I'm the one who's been putting out fires all week.† I knew it was an illusion, seeing as the glass eye couldn't really stare, but I felt like he was glaring at me with both eyes. â€Å"I'm doing plenty. Don't even think to criticize me.† â€Å"What were you doing here?† I asked, suddenly realizing how weird that was. He'd accused me of â€Å"socializing† but had never explained his motives. â€Å"I had to see Clarence, not that it's any of your business.† I wanted more details but refused to let on how curious I was. He'd been here yesterday too, according to Lee. â€Å"Will you call the school tomorrow and get Jill excused from PE?† Keith gave me a long and heavy look. â€Å"No.† â€Å"What? Why not?† â€Å"Because being out in the sun won't kill her.† Again, I bit down on my anger and tried for the diplomacy I'd been schooled in. â€Å"Keith, you didn't see her. Maybe it won't kill her, but it was miserable for her. She was in agony.† â€Å"I don't really care if they're miserable or not,† Keith said. â€Å"And neither should you. Our job is to keep her alive. There was no mention of making sure she's happy and comfortable.† â€Å"I wouldn't think anyone would have to tell us,† I said, aghast. Why was he so upset? â€Å"I'd think being sensitive human beings, we could just do it.† â€Å"Well, now you can. You can either get someone above us to issue a note to the school or you can give her ice baths after gym class. I really don't care what you do, but maybe it'll keep you busy enough that you'll stop coming over here unannounced and throwing yourself at creatures of darkness. Don't let me hear about this happening again.† â€Å"You are unbelievable,† I said. I was too upset and at a loss for words to manage anything more eloquent. â€Å"I'm looking out for your soul,† he said loftily. â€Å"It's the least I can do for your dad. Too bad you aren't more like your sisters.† Keith turned his back on me and unlocked the car door without another word. He got in and drove off, leaving me staring. Tears threatened my eyes, and I swallowed them back. I felt like an idiot – but not because of his accusations. I didn't believe for an instant that I'd done anything wrong by coming over here. No, I was mad – mad at myself – because I'd let him walk away with the last word and because I hadn't had the nerve to say anything back. I'd stayed silent, just like everyone always told me to. I kicked the gravel in my anger, sending a spray of it into the air. A few small rocks hit my car, and I winced. â€Å"Sorry.† â€Å"Would he accuse you of being evil for talking to an inanimate object?† I spun around, heart racing. Adrian was leaning against the house, smoking. â€Å"Where did you come from?† I demanded. Even though I knew everything there was to know about vampires, it was hard to shake superstitious fears of them appearing out of thin air. â€Å"Other door,† he explained. â€Å"I went out to smoke and overheard the commotion.† â€Å"It's rude to eavesdrop,† I said, knowing I sounded unbearably prim but unable to stop myself. â€Å"It's rude to be an asshole like that.† Adrian nodded toward where Keith had driven away. â€Å"Are you going to be able to get Jill out of class?† I sighed, suddenly feeling tired. â€Å"Yeah, I should be able to. It'll just take a little longer while I get some other Alchemist to be our fake parents. Would've been a lot faster if Keith had done it.† â€Å"Thanks for looking out for her, Sage. You're okay. For a human.† I almost laughed. â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"You can say it too, you know.† I walked over to Latte and paused. â€Å"Say what?† â€Å"That I'm okay†¦ for a vampire,† he explained. I shook my head, still smiling. â€Å"You'll have a hard time getting any Alchemist to admit that. But I can say you're okay for an irreverent party boy with occasional moments of brilliance.† â€Å"Brilliant? You think I'm brilliant?† He threw his hands skyward. â€Å"You hear that, world? Sage says I'm brilliant.† â€Å"That's not what I said!† He dropped the cigarette and stamped it out, giving me a devil-may-care grin. â€Å"Thanks for the ego boost. I'm going to go tell Clarence and Lee all about your high opinion.† â€Å"Hey, I didn't – â€Å" But he was already gone. As I drove away, I decided the Alchemists needed an entire department devoted to handling Adrian Ivashkov. When I got back to my dorm room, I found Jill sitting surrounded in textbooks and papers, undoubtedly trying to catch up from yesterday. â€Å"Wow,† I said, thinking of the homework that waited for me too. â€Å"You've got a whole command center set up.† Rather than smile at my joke, Jill looked up with an icy gaze. â€Å"Do you think,† she said, â€Å"that maybe next time you want to mess with my dating life, you could talk to me first?† I was speechless. Adrian had said he'd talk to Jill. I just hadn't realized it'd be so quickly. â€Å"You don't have to go behind my back to keep me away from Micah,† she added. â€Å"I'm not stupid. I know I can't date a human.† So Adrian had apparently told her that much. â€Å"And,† Jill continued, still in that cold tone, â€Å"you don't have to set me up with the only eligible Moroi within a hundred miles in order to keep me out of trouble.† Okay†¦ Adrian had apparently told her everything. I would've expected more discretion from him, especially with the Lee part. â€Å"We†¦ we weren't setting you up,† I said lamely. â€Å"Lee wanted to ask you out anyway.† â€Å"But rather than talk to me, he asked permission from you guys! You don't control my life.† â€Å"I know that,† I said. â€Å"We weren't trying to!† How had this just blown up right in front of me? â€Å"Lee acted on his own.† â€Å"Just like you did when you went to talk to Adrian behind my back.† Her eyes glittered with angry tears, daring me to deny it. I couldn't and only now realized the wrongness of what I'd done. Ever since she found out she was royal, Jill had watched other people dictate her life for her. Maybe my intentions to get Adrian to talk to her about Micah were good, but I'd addressed them in the wrong way. â€Å"You're right,† I said. â€Å"I'm sorry that I – â€Å" â€Å"Forget it,† she said, slipping a pair of headphones on. â€Å"I don't want to hear any more. You made me look stupid in front of both Adrian and Lee. Not that they'll even think twice about me in Los Angeles tonight.† She waved a hand at me and looked down at the book in front of her. â€Å"I'm done with you.† Whether she couldn't hear me because of the music or simply because she'd now chosen to ignore me, I couldn't say. All I knew was that I once again found myself comparing her to Zoe. Just like with Zoe, I'd tried to do something good for Jill, and it had backfired. Just like with Zoe, I'd ended up hurting and humiliating the one I'd tried to protect. Sorry, Sage. Last I checked, you aren't an expert in social matters. That, I thought bitterly, was the saddest part of all – that Adrian Ivashkov was right.